Impact of a Perceived Threat of Terrorism on Job Performance: A Moderated-Mediated Model


  • Adnan Riaz Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
  • Muhammad Saeed Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
  • Ra Mazhar Hameed National Book Foundation Islamabad
  • Ausima Sultan Malik Institute of Space Technology (IST) Islamabad
  • Malik Muhammad Afzal Pakistan Science Foundation Islamabad



The perceived threat of terrorism, Job-related anxiety, Innovative Work Behaviour, Job Performance, Punjab Police Personnel


This study explores the relationship between the threat of terrorism and the job
performance of police employees. It also examines the potential mediating effect of jobrelated anxiety between the threat of terrorism to job performance relationship and the
moderating effect of innovative work behaviour among Punjab Police personnel.
Multisource (employee and respective supervisor), time-lagged data from 425
respondents, was collected, which shows that the threat of terrorism increases jobrelated anxiety of employees which in turn reduces job performance. Personnel's
innovative work behaviour buffers the negative effect of perceived threats of terrorism
on job-related anxiety, resultantly the relationship is mitigated for those who are
innovative in their work behaviour and practices. In an external environment where
terrorism presents a credible threat, organizations can, therefore, encourage
employees to exercise innovative ways to enhance security provisions at different levels.
The study results showed; a direct association between the perceived Threat of
Terrorism (TOT) and Job-Related Anxiety (JRA). While an inverse relationship was
emerged between Job-Related Anxiety and Job Performance (JP) and Innovative Work
Behaviour (IWB) mitigated the positive relationship between the Perceived Threat of
Terrorism and Job-Related Anxiety. Mediation role of Job-Related Anxiety between the
perceived Threat of Terrorism and Job Performance was also explored.
It shows that when employees feel a threat of terrorism, causes them to feel anxiety
which curtails their performance of employees. However, innovative employees diffuse
stress by coming up with novel solutions. Our study is limited due to the sample size.
Other psychological reservoirs may also be incorporated in the same model to see the
mitigating effect. However, managers may provide training interventions to help in
developing innovative behaviour.


