Foundation University Journal of Business & Economics <p>Foundation University Journal of Business (</p> en-US (Mr. M Awais) (IT FUI) Tue, 05 Nov 2024 08:55:21 +0000 OJS 60 Mean and Variance Volatility Spillover from Commodity Market to Stock Market of Pakistan, China and India <p>The focus of this study is to understand the volatility and its spillover from Crude Oil and Gold Market to the<br>stock markets of the countries selected. This is a univariate analysis where only one direction of volatility spillover<br>has been examined. GJR GARCH Model has been used for the purpose of analysis. The findings of the study<br>reveal that ARCH effect exists in the Oil and Gold Market but not in the Stock Markets Selected. Further, Mean<br>Volatility do not exist but Variance equation shows volatility. And, no evidence of spillover was found in these<br>stock markets.</p> Muhammad Adil, Anum Shafique, Dr. Bushra Zulfiqar, Mehmood ul Hassan Copyright (c) 0 FUI Mon, 05 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Examining The Role of Laissez-Faire Leadership in Organizational Politics: A Moderated Mediated Model <p>Many factors are thought to be a cause of organizational politics in any organization and in past research, it is empirically tested that leadership is one of those factors. Exploitative and despotic leadership causes politics in organizations but ethical leadership discourages it. However, the role of the laissez-faire leadership style in organizational politics is yet to be thoroughly investigated. This research aims to study the role of Laissez-Faire Leadership in Organizational Politics. Moreover, it also focuses on the mediating role played by Esprit De Corps and the moderating role of Employee GRIT upon the phenomenon of Organizational Politics resulting from Laissez-Faire Leadership on the top. Data was collected through a questionnaire survey from the employees of the National Highways and Motorway Police (NHMP) a Law Enforcement Agency and a Public Sector Organization. Data analysis was done through SPSS and AMOS software. The study findings revealed that Laissez-Faire Leadership results in Organizational Politics and is positively related to it. These findings were found to be in conformity with the Conservation of Resources Theory. The results also confirmed the mediating role of Esprit De Corps in the above-said phenomenon, thus, supporting the Cognitive Evaluation Theory. It was indicated that Laissez-Faire Leadership has a negative relationship with Esprit De Corps and likewise, Esprit De Corps has a negative relationship with Organizational Politics. Moreover, it also confirmed that Employee GRIT does have a moderating effect, on the relationship between Laissez-Faire Leadership and Organizational Politics mediated by Esprit De Corps and is negatively related. This finding corroborated what GRIT theory advocates. In the end, the implications, limitations of this study, and future directions have also been discussed.</p> Masroor Alam, Adnan Riaz, Saira Mahmood, Zahid Latif Copyright (c) 0 FUI Mon, 05 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Corporate Debt, Accrual, and Real Earnings Management: A Non-Linear Relation Across Asian Emerging Economies (AEE) <p>This study provides empirical evidence on non-linear relation between Corporate Debt and Earnings<br>Management (EM) across nine Asian Emerging Economies (AEE). Two widely used and accepted EM<br>techniques are employed i.e. accrual-based earnings management (AEM) and real activities-based earnings<br>management (REM). In order to investigate debt-EM nexus in AEE institutional settings, data of 6,128<br>non-financial listed firms with 60,880 firm-year observations are used from the period of 2000 to 2021. Our<br>results, based on fixed-effects and system-GMM models, report that firms use REM in low-debt zones and AEM<br>at higher levels of debt. The non-linear debt-AEM nexus has a U-shaped pattern whereas debt–REM reveals an<br>inverted U-shaped relation. In sum, results show that managers exercise REM in low debt regimes and prefer to<br>increase AEM activities at high debt level in order to avoid debt covenant violation. REM is although difficult<br>to detect by market participants but it is still considered costly for high-debt firms since these firms have high<br>interest and principal obligations that absorb free cash flows and leave nothing for managers for their<br>substandard spending. The findings of the study have significant implications for investors, managers,<br>policymakers and practitioners.</p> Aneela Khan, Muhammad Khan, Muhammad Usman Hashmi Copyright (c) 0 FUI Mon, 05 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Application of Mincerian Equation to the Higher Secondary Schools Teachers in District Abbottabad, KP, Pakistan <p>This study is some sort first in the area investigates the statistical and Econometric relationship of academic<br>years, experience and income. The schooling is a very significant determinant of personal income based on<br>experimental and academic studies. Study tests the application of Mincerian equation to the higher secondary<br>school teachers of district Abbottabad, KP Pakistan. The study is based on cross-sectional data of the year 2022.<br>Data collected from the (Education Directorate Office Abbottabad. This study used a sample of 250 teachers.<br>Log-linear model used for the estimation of parameters. and to concludes the results of regression. Results reveal<br>the positive association of income with education and job market experience. Higher education has the greater<br>contribution in income comparatively experience and academic years. One-year increase in higher education<br>results 7 % increase in income level. The higher education returns for male teachers is 6% while for female 10%.<br>The policy recommendation is to improve and invest in higher education.</p> Aziz Ullah Sayal, Dr. Meheen Mehreen, Nazish Raffaz, Kashaf Sayal, Rabiya Malik Copyright (c) 0 FUI Mon, 05 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Agglomerations, Urbanization and Economic Prosperity in Pakistan: A Demographic Analysis Using Ardl Approach for Time Series Data <p>The current study aims to explore the relationship between agglomerations, urbanization and economic<br>prosperity in Pakistan. The empirical analysis is based on secondary dataset i.e. World Development Indicators<br>and Autoregressive Distribute Lag Model (ARDL) has been applied for the time period 1960-2016. The findings<br>depicts that in the long run agglomeration economies are contributing positively more to economic prosperity<br>compared to the share of overall urban population. However in the short run the effect of the latter variable is<br>found negative. All these results suggest that the governments should focus on policies specifically related to the<br>infrastructure building and the provision of basic services in the cities to improve the process of urbanization.<br>This is the only way to increase the agglomerations in the economy and its outcome in the form of generating<br>more economies of scale.</p> Yasir Zada Khan, Dr. Saima Sarwar Copyright (c) 0 FUI Tue, 27 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Ownership Structure and Sustainable Firm Performance: A Literature Review <p>Purpose: This study aims to explore the contemporary issues in ownership structure towards the sustainable<br>firm’s performance for strategic managerial policy.<br>Design/methodology/approach: This study followed the systematic literature review technique.<br>Findings: Results found that most of the prior literature on this subject is related to developed countries,<br>while research on this subject in developing countries is found scant.<br>Originality: This study offers new propositions on contemporary issues in ownership structure. The<br>proposition alludes to a significant positive impact of managerial ownership, institutional ownership, and<br>family ownership toward achieving sustainable firm performance.<br>Research limitations/implications: This review offers insights to managers and practitioners from developing<br>countries towards maintaining a balance between the ownership of various stakeholders towards achieving a<br>better and sustainable firm performance.</p> Mehreen Mehreen, Rusni Hassan, Azizullah Sayal Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Ranking Classification Algorithms Using MCDM Techniques for Credit Card Fraud Detection with Imbalanced Perspective <p>Over the last few years, credit card fraud (CCF) has emerged as a serious concern in financial risk detection.<br>Classification algorithms are among the robust methods to detect, analyze, and predict such frauds with low<br>complexity, pre-detection, and loss estimation. However, class imbalance—where the number of legitimate<br>transactions far exceeds the number of fraudulent ones—adversely affects a classifier’s performance, and the<br>results become divergent for different performance measures due to their multifaceted outcomes. This poses a key<br>challenge in ranking such algorithms. Moreover, fraud data is inherently imbalanced with non-static behavior, so<br>a single classifier or a group of classifiers cannot provide satisfactory results for all imbalance ratios. Motivated<br>by this observation, we analyze the impact of class imbalance through 10 classifiers and 8 performance measures,<br>which are finally ranked by Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) techniques for a unified approach. Results<br>are analyzed for low skewed datasets, where classification algorithms outperformed for low skewed CCF datasets.<br>Based on our findings, we present a unified approach for ranking the classification algorithms in relation to<br>different imbalance ratios in credit card datasets. This study can be very useful for financial institutions to<br>increase their fraud-catching rate.</p> Dr. Maira Anis, Dr. Mohsin Ali, Dr. Asma Gul, Dr. Sana Aroos Khattak Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Embracing the New Normal: A Study on Employee Engagement in Pakistan's Post- Covid IT Sector <p>Significant changes in work dynamics brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in a widespread<br>adoption of remote work or telework. This study examines how employee engagement is affected by remote work<br>in Pakistani businesses, with a particular emphasis on theIT industry. The study explores several factors, such<br>as cultural considerations, communication strategies, and the availability of support for home office setups, that<br>impact employee engagement in remote work arrangements through interviews with IT professionals. The results<br>underscore the significance of adjusting to novel approaches that facilitate remote work, like digital<br>communication instruments and organized virtual gatherings. Furthermore, the study clarifies how cultural<br>aspects play a part and how important it is to help remote teams develop a feeling of community and team<br>success. According to the study, remote work can improve employee engagement by lowering social loafing and<br>interdependency. There is also discussion of the study's limitations and ethical issues. In general, the study offers<br>significant perspectives on the connection between remote work and worker satisfaction in Pakistan.</p> Zain Zulfiqar, Muhammad Rafay, Hammad Aslam, Muhammad Sheeraz Khalil, Muhammad Zain Ul Abedeen Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of Bilateral Real Exchange Rate on Bilateral Trade Balance: Evidence from Pakistan and Its Major Trading Partners <p>This study investigates the impact of the bilateral real exchange rate on the bilateral trade balance of Pakistan<br>with its five major trading partners, namely the US, China, Saudi Arabia, Germany, and the UK. We utilize panel<br>data spanning from 1991 to 2018 for the six countries. We employ the fully modified OLS (FMOLS), and panel<br>error correction model (ECM) to explore the short-run as well as long-run dynamics of the relationships among<br>the variables. Since the cointegration procedure requires the investigation of the order of integration of variables,<br>we employ the panel unit root test to check the order of integration of variables. Before moving on to panel unit<br>root analysis, it is mandatory to check cross-sectional dependence. For this purpose, we employ a cross-sectional<br>dependence test designed by Pesaran (2004) which indicates the existence of cross-sectional dependence. Since<br>the presence of cross-sectional dependence requires a second-generation test for panel unit root analysis,<br>therefore, we employ the Fisher-ADF panel unit root test. The results of the test reveal that the trade balance is<br>stationary at level, while bilateral real exchange rate, domestic real GDP, and foreign real GDP are first-order<br>integrated. Further, the results of the FMOLS test reveal that both domestic real GDP and bilateral real exchange<br>rate harm the bilateral trade balance of Pakistan, while foreign real income has a positive impact on it. Moreover,<br>the results of panel ECM confirm the presence of a tendency of adjustment to the long-run equilibrium.</p> Israr Ahmad Shah Hashmi, Arshad Ali Bhatti, Ghulam Moeen ud Din Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Echoes of Doubt: Unveiling Imposter Phenomenon Among First Generation Pakistani Students <p>This paper aims at exploring the imposter phenomenon (IP) among first-generation college students (FGCS) in<br>Pakistan adopting a phenomenological research framework. Nine FGCS from different backgrounds were<br>interviewed to investigate how social and cultural factors affect their IP experiences. The research focused on<br>themes of social adaptation, motivation, university friendship, and the interplay of collectivism-individualism.<br>Findings showed that there are multiple interactions between the traditional cultural roles and the new academic<br>settings. Participants described IP issues when transitioning to university life, making friends, and coping with<br>academic stress in relation to cultural demands. However, they also demonstrated resilience and motivation<br>drawn from peer achievements.<br>The study highlighted the nature and perception of IP among FGCS in Pakistan based on their cultural<br>background and academic environment. The conflict between collectivist values and the less collectivist university<br>environment became an issue. However, participants’ performances were characterized by great tenacity, which<br>was often fueled by family expectations and the need to set an example for other members of the community. This<br>research helps to fill the gap in knowledge about IP in non-Western countries and provides insights for the<br>development of appropriate interventions for FGCS in the context of Pakistan’s higher education system. It<br>highlights the importance of culturally appropriate care and more research on IP’s experiences in different<br>cultures.</p> Dr. Nida Abbas, Ms. Sana Farzand, Muhammad Saad Riaz, Effa Ahmad Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Influence of Behavioral and Emotional Traits on The Spread of Negative Word of Mouth <p>Firms invest substantial resources in creating a positive image through marketing campaigns, and any negative<br>word of mouth undermines these efforts. It is thus crucial to comprehend and address the spread of negative word<br>of mouth (NWOM). NWOM is driven by bad experiences, yet other segments like the consumer’s personality and<br>emotional state lead to NWOM. This study aims to elucidate the relationship between bad experiences and<br>NWOM, with a focus on emotional trait (frustration) as mediator and personality trait (moral identity) as<br>moderator through Andrew. F. Hayes’s process model. Findings reveal that people who encounter bad<br>experiences are very likely to spread NOWM. This relationship becomes stronger if they are frustrated.<br>Conversely, those people who have high moral identity experience less frustration resulting in a decline in<br>NWOM. The existing literature hardly exhibits the consumer’s personality and behavioral aspects to explain<br>consumer behavior in an online environment. This research utilizes a moderated mediation model to examine this<br>multivariant framework. This study utilized a cross-sectional design, future research suggestion is to utilize<br>longitudinal or experimental methodologies. Furthermore, memory-based surveys may possess limitations that<br>could be mitigated through experimental approaches.</p> Muzammil Akhtar, Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan, Dr Abid Saeed Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Psychological Well-Being in Pursuit of Prosocial Behavior of Voluntary Simplifiers in a Collectivist Society: Understanding the Role of Consumer Disposition Behavior <p>The purpose of the current study was to investigate the disposition behavior of voluntary simplifiers and outcome<br>of this consumption behavior specific to consumer psychological well-being. This paper examines the attitude of<br>voluntary simplifiers by understanding their altruistic and non-altruistic disposition behaviors in a collectivist<br>society of Pakistan which is an emerging and developing economy of South Asia. This cross-sectional study has<br>been conducted by collecting primary data from 234 respondents using structured questionnaires though<br>purposive convenience sampling in sustainable products industry. The structured equation modeling was applied<br>as a data analysis technique using AMOS. The results revealed that sense of self-sufficiency in voluntary<br>simplifiers have a significant impact on disposition behaviors. Voluntary simplifiers adopt different methods of<br>disposition to avoid accumulation of goods. The results have also established the role of collectivist culture<br>positively moderating the relationship between the simplicity attitude and disposition behavior.</p> Dr. Sana Irfan, Dr. Fozia Malik Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Factors Affecting Impulsive Purchase Behaviour via the Mediating Function of the Urge to Buy via the SOR Model's Perspective <p>This study looks at the independent effects of innovation, promotion, trust, and enjoyment on the purchasing<br>impulse. This study also evaluates the impact of the desire to buy on impulsive purchases. Pakistani smartphone<br>users in Islamabad provide the major data. After a comprehensive analysis of 384 datasets, a questionnaire is<br>utilised to gather the responses. The survey questions were developed after a careful review of the literature.<br>Because the study is quantitative, positivist research philosophy is applied in developing the research design.<br>Using SPSS software, data analysis procedures like regression, correlation, and descriptive analysis are carried<br>out to determine the underlying relationship between the independent and dependent variables of the conceptual<br>framework. The study's findings demonstrate a favourable correlation between promotion, trust, enjoyment,<br>innovation and the willingness to buy. Furthermore, a primary driver of consumers' impulsive purchases is their<br>urge to make a purchase.</p> Muhammad Omer Shahid, Usama Usman, Dr. Saman Attiq, Waqas Noor Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Monetary Policy, Cash Flow and Corporate Investment: Evidence from Pakistan <p>The current research aims to study the combined effect of micro-economic factor internal cash flow (CF) and<br>macro-economic factor monetary policy on investment behavior of non-financial firms listed on Pakistan Stock<br>Exchange over the period of 2010-2020. Dynamic panel model is used in the study for empirical testing of the<br>hypotheses. One-step and two step system with Quintile regression GMM estimation techniques were applied for<br>empirically testing of hypothesis. Data were collected from secondary sources through company’s annual<br>published and audited financial statements and from company’s website of 265 non-financial firms Pakistan. The<br>results identify cash flow has an inverse relationship with investment of firms in one step system GMM i.e. simple<br>regression. However, cash flow tends to increase the level of investment in all other regression models. The<br>contractionary monetary policy would likely to decrease the investment. Cash flow decreases the investment of<br>firms in lower quintile of firms as compared to high quintiles. Monetary policy decrease the investment in lower<br>quintiles but this relationship tends to be positive when firm move towards high quintiles of firm investment. The<br>magnitude of cash flow and monetary policy varies in all quintiles of firm investment. Overall, the results are<br>inconclusive across all the level. This study suggested that financial managers should manage internal cash flows<br>to increase cash reserves in order to meet capital expenditures and project’s needs of non-financial firms in<br>Pakistan.</p> Zeeshan Ahmed, Zain Shakoor, Saira Jabeen, Mahnoor Hanif, Rizwan Ishaque Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Does Technostress cause Procrastination – The Dark Side of Technology <p>The use of Technology at the work place aims to make the organizational processes efficient. However, the study<br>focuses on the dark side of technology i.e. Technostress in employees which is an emergent phenomenon with<br>increased focus on use of technology in the Post COVID-19 time. This study focuses on the behavioral side of the<br>employees that emerges due to Technostress. This causal study quantifies the impact of Technology Related Stress<br>i.e. Technostress on employees making a delay in work i.e. Procrastination. For the present study, based on<br>convenience and snowball sampling, the data was collected from 390 employees who have day-to-day interaction<br>with Information Communication Technology ICT. These employees were from the Telecommunication Industry<br>and Software Houses. Following the research work of Nimrod (2018), Technostress has been operationalized<br>having five dimension namely - Overload, Invasion, Complexity, Privacy and Inclusion while Procrastination<br>was measured using Metin, Taris, and Peeters (2015). The results reflect a significant positive association of<br>Overload, Invasion, Complexity and Privacy with procrastination while Inclusion was found to be statistically<br>insignificant. Hence, the shady side of technology persists and the organizations need to ensure that technology<br>adoption does not stress its employees to an extent that they start stalling work. For this, it is proposed that<br>Technostress management trainings be organized to ensure the employees are well equipped to address the<br>challenges proposed by Technostress at the work place.</p> Aqsa Sheikh, Hafsah Zahur Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Does Institutional Quality and Managerial Ability Drive the Association between ESG and Firm Performance: Evidence from Emerging Asian Markets <p>This study aims to explore the role of managerial ability (MA) and institutional quality (IQ) in enhancing the<br>positive impact of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) policies on financial performance (FP). Against<br>the backdrop of global climate change, socio-economic advancements, and evolving corporate governance<br>standards, organizations face increasing pressure to adopt ESG practices. However, the implementation of ESG<br>policies often entails substantial costs. By investigating the joint influence of MA and IQ, this research seeks to<br>identify supplementary factors that can amplify the beneficial effects of ESG initiatives on FP. The study is<br>quantitative exploratory and uses panel data of 750 publicly listed companies covering period from 2010 to 2020.<br>Data has been acquired from the reputed data provider like Thomson Reuters and OLS regression has been used<br>for panel data analysis. Two measures of financial performance, the Tobin’s Q and Return of Assets (ROA) have<br>been used as proxies of financial performance. The study reaffirms the positive impact of Environmental, Social,<br>and Governance (ESG) factors on the financial performance of firms. Each pillar of ESG – environmental, social,<br>and governance – is positively correlated with financial performance. Additionally, managerial ability and<br>institutional quality act as supplementary variables, moderating the relationship between ESG and firms’<br>financial performance. Notably, both proxies of financial performance, Tobin’s Q and Return on Assets (ROA),<br>yield nearly identical results in terms of their relationships with ESG and the moderating effects of managerial<br>ability and institutional quality. Data of only 750 firms used for the analysis. Latest data was not available,<br>therefore, data from 2010 to 2020 was used in the study. The study underscores the potential for inducing<br>Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices in emerging economies through a combination of<br>managerial ability and institutional pressures. It emphasizes the role of policymakers in addressing inefficiencies,<br>corrupt practices, and policy inconsistencies that impede the governance index and hinder the ease of doing<br>business. At the organizational level, policymakers should prioritize appointing managers with higher managerial<br>ability to responsible positions. For managers, understanding the long-term benefits associated with ESG<br>practices is crucial, despite potential short-term challenges. While previous research often focused on specific<br>countries, regions, or industries, this study stands out by examining the relationship between ESG and FP across<br>multiple emerging economies and industries, offering more generalizable findings. Building upon Stakeholders'<br>Theory, the study extends Upper Echelon Theory and Institutional Theory to incorporate the roles of managerial<br>ability and institutional quality in shaping this relationship."</p> Sohail Ahmad, Dr. Wahbeeah Mohti, Dr. Muhammad Irfan Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Examining the Expense of Quality Assurance in Construction Endeavors <p>This research focuses on assessing the cost of quality in the construction industry of Pakistan, particularly during<br>the design and construction phase of building projects. Through a quantitative approach, data was collected from<br>125 questionnaires, group discussions, and interviews. The study aims to analyze critical factors influencing<br>quality using the Relative Importance Index (RII) and Mean Item Score (MIS) method, as well as to calculate the<br>total Cost of Quality as a percentage. Findings indicate a significant lack of emphasis on quality management<br>practices within construction organizations, with many failing to allocate budgets for quality assurance and<br>control. Critical factors affecting the Cost of Quality include project complexity and size, efficiency of quality<br>management systems, contractor classification, supervision team experience, and project location. Furthermore,<br>the total cost of quality for construction projects was found to be 54.32%, with prevention costs accounting for<br>15.5% of the budget, appraisal costs constituting 12.3% of the budget, internal failure costs amounting to 13.9%<br>of the budget, and external failure costs totaling 12.6% of the budget. Recommendations include the development<br>of clear quality policies, prioritizing critical factors affecting quality, proper allocation of budget for quality<br>control, and establishment of dedicated quality control management departments within organizations. This study<br>contributes to understanding the importance of quality management in construction projects and highlights the<br>need for proactive quality assurance and control mechanisms to enhance project outcomes and mitigate financial<br>risks.</p> Lt Col. Engr. Muhammad Jahangir Khan, Prof. Dr. Imran Ghafoor, Muhammad Umair Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of Perceived Organizational Support on Employee Turnover Intention: The Mediating Role of Job Burnout <p>This study is an investigation into the association between employee turnover intention and perceived<br>organizational support of employeea as well as the mediating effect of job burnout. Job burnout has received<br>exceptional attention in business research because it has several negative consequences on employee<br>performance. Although employees from all fields of work get effected but burnout is a critical phenomenon for<br>nursing community. Besides existence of plethora of research related to burnout, limited studies have discussed<br>its role as a mediator between perceived organizational support and the turnover intentions. Current study<br>conducted a cross-sectional analysis of the data to analyse the phenomenon quantitatively. Sample of study<br>contains 212 nurses employed at private hospitals of Pakistan. A questionnaire given out by the researcher was<br>used to gather data in a formal setting. The regression analysis was performed to analyze a linear relationship<br>between the variables of study. Preacher and Hayes technique was used to investigate the mediation effect<br>between the variables (Hayes &amp; Preacher, 2010). Results reported in the study, as supported by the theory,<br>demonstrated that perceived organizational support has statistically significant negative relationship with<br>turnover intention of employees (Galanis et al., 2024). Results also found that job burnout is negatively associated<br>with perceived organizational support and employee turnover intention and mediates the relationship between<br>perceived organizational support and turnover intention in employees.</p> Iftikhar Ali, Romel John, Muhammad Hamid Murtza, Marria Hassan Copyright (c) 2025 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Infrastructure Development (Physical), Economic Growth and Policy Choices: A Cross- Country Analysis <p>The following study inspects the influence of the physical infrastructure on economic growth of Asian countries.<br>The countries in the studies are under-develop and have same geographical area. Countries from where data is<br>selected for examination are Pakistan, China, India, Bangladesh, Iran and Sri Lanka. The data of last 50 years<br>have been regressed from1970 to 2019 of Pakistan, China, India, Bangladesh, Iran and Sri Lanka. The findings<br>explain that there is substantial relationship between infrastructure development and economic growth;<br>infrastructure reflects physical. Energy consumption (oil) other variables proved positively significant<br>relationship with economic growth. Policy has been recommended for economic growth and approach to value<br>the variables according to needs and financial constraints and then prioritize the sectors in which government<br>should invest.</p> Ahmed Majeed Khan, Saad Naeem, Waseem Abbas Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Green Tourism and Revisit Intention: The Role of Place Attachment, Loyalty, and Sustainable Practices <p>The tourism industry is considered an imperative financial driver in a few nations. Therefore, travel industry<br>specialists consider the elements that could give them a serious advantage, particularly in drawing in recurrent<br>appearances to specific traveler objections. The tourist immersion in green environment has a positive impact on<br>tourist revisit intention. Place attachment and place loyalty positively mediate the relationship between tourist<br>immersion in green environment and visitor revisit intention. The moderator technological innovation and low<br>carbon practices positively moderated the association of tourist immersion in green environment and tourist<br>revisits intention. This study used a survey research design, with data collected from both international and local<br>visitors. Data was collected using simple random sampling. The SmartPLS software was used to perform<br>Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) on the model's fit, convergent validity, and discriminant validity. This study<br>contributed to the existing literature. It might further develop information regarding the comparability and<br>contrasts in factors impacting return to expectations</p> Rabia Kanwal, Ramish Moeen, Tuba Rasheed Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Nexus among SDG 5 and sustainability performance <p>Incorporation of SDG 5 (Representation of women) on the board of directors is beneficial for corporation`s longterm<br>value creation and sustainable expansion. This study examines how the inclusion of SDG 5 on the board<br>affects sustainability (financial, social, and environmental). This study tries to define SDG 5's role and its<br>implications for sustainability performance. This study is based on three theories: the Triple Bottom Line, which<br>says that businesses should prioritize profit, the planet, and people; the agency theory, which says that directors<br>should align stakeholders' interests with sustainability practices; and the gender socialization theory, which<br>supports a gender difference perspective. The research sample consists of 8 years data span from 87 Industrial<br>firms with Pakistan Stock Exchange listings. The study used dynamic GMM analysis for estimations. The results<br>demonstrate that the presence of more women on boards of directors improves the sustainability of the social and<br>environmental spheres, whereas having more women on the board of directors makes the company's finances less<br>sustainable. According to this study, SDG 5 should encourage diversity and inclusion on the board of<br>manufacturing organizations. These companies should also focus on sustainable growth and merit-based board<br>member hiring. Additionally, this research has positive implications for regulators and policymakers who support<br>sustainable organizations.</p> Dr. Sanober Shaheen, Jawad Abdul Ghaffar, Hassam Durrani Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 An Empirical Investigation to Study The Impact of Employee Work Place Ostracism and Job Insecurity on The Their Work-Life Balance <p>This study aims to investigate the impact of employee workplace ostracism and job insecurity on employee work<br>life balance. Co-worker ostracism, job insecurity, and employee work-life balance are inter-related concepts that<br>have been the subject of research in recent years. Coworker ostracism has a direct effect on employee work-life<br>balance and the study tested the impact of job insecurity as a mediator between coworker ostracism and worklife<br>balance.A sample of 304 respondents were collected to measure the three variables and their connection. The study<br>use self reported instrument to gauge the colleagues ostracism and their job related insecurities and its consequences on<br>the individuals work life balance. SPSS version 25 is used for statistical analysis and Hayes process is employed for<br>obtaining the results of mediation. The study finds that both the variables co-worker ostracism and job insecurities influence<br>co worker work-life balance. It indicates that there is a significant relationship between coworker ostracism and job<br>insecurity and subsequently, job insecurity mediates the relationship of ostracism and work-life balance. The results of this<br>study suggested that organizations must take proactive steps to foster a supportive and inclusive work environment by<br>knowing the connections between coworker exclusion, job insecurity, and work-life balance. The results of this study have<br>implications for individuals as well. They can actively look for assistance, communicate honestly with coworkers, and<br>research stress-reduction and work-life integration techniques.</p> Dr. Syed Khalid Ahmed, Dr. Muazam Ali, Mr. Faisal Masud Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Corporate Sustainability Performance Measurement: Narrative Review of Literature on Dimensions of Corporate Sustainability Indices <p>The concept of corporate sustainability has gained immense significance in the last few decades. Several indices<br>have been developed to measure corporate sustainability performance (CSP) among different sectors of industry<br>and corporate firms. These indices cover different aspects of sustainability practices, however, the concept of<br>corporate sustainability performance has widened with the emergence of ESG, Sustainable Development Goals<br>(SDGs) and circular economy (CE) concept and these dimensions need to be included in an index of sustainability<br>performance. The aim of this study is to review different corporate sustainability indices (CSI) and analyze the<br>dimensions of sustainability upon which they are based. This study also reviews the utilization of indices for<br>measuring the impact of corporate sustainability practices on firm’s financial performance (FFP). A<br>comprehensive search of literature was carried out to review different CSI and narrative review methodology<br>was utilized to assess the utility of the indices. Specific search strings were formulated and Dimensions database<br>was used to extract bibliographic data. This study will enable researchers to find CSI dimensions that best suits<br>their research objectives. The items of a particular dimension of sustainability have not been covered in this<br>study. This study will also provide the limitations of existing indices and provide future directions in development<br>of integrated sustainability measurement indices.</p> Asif Jalal, Muhammad Zahid, Muhammad Asif Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Infrastructure Development (Non-Physical), Economic Growth andPolicy Choices: A Cross-Country Analysis <p>The relationship between the non-physical infrastructure and development has always been an eye catching issue. <br>The following study inspects the influence of non-physical infrastructure on economic growth of Asian countries. <br>Countries from where data is selected for examination are China, India, Bangladesh, Iran and Sri Lanka. The <br>data of has been regressed from 1970 to 2019. Unit test technique has been employed and ARDL mechanism was <br>chosen for long term and short-term analysis. The findings explain the substantial relationship between nonphysical side of infrastructure development and economic growth. Social infrastructure variables i.e education and health showed positive significant relationship with economic growth. Policy has been recommended for economic growth is based on weightage approach to derive the quantitative value of the variables and then prioritize the sectors in which the government should invest according to the significance of variable.</p> Ahmed Majeed Khan, Saad Naeem, Waseem Abbas Copyright (c) 0 FUI Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Digital Finance and Carbon Emission with Mediating Role of Consumption Structure: A Comparative Study Between Developed and Developing Countries <p>Digital finance has an advantage for promoting the reduction in cost, reduce the transaction cost and it also<br>decreased the CO2 emission. The whole environment of the world change due to the global warming in the<br>temperature of the world and this temperature is increased due to the carbon emission into the environment and<br>the reduction of CO2 emission is done with the help of the digital finance. The main objective or purpose of the<br>current study is to analyses the relationship between the digital finance and the carbon emission of the developing<br>and underdeveloped countries. In current study the researcher also uses the mediating role of the consumption<br>structure of the countries. They also point out that the future researchers should increase the time period of the<br>data collection for better results and innovation effect on the carbon emission. The data has been collected from<br>the developing and developed countries from 2013-2023. In developing countries Pakistan and India are taken<br>and in developed countries Japan and Australia are selected. Descriptive statistics, Endogeneity tests, robustness<br>tests, heterogeneity tests, correlation matrix and the regression analysis will be done by using the Stata. In<br>regression analysis mediations steps are followed. Current study provides the policy implications to the top<br>management of the companies as well as to the countries so that how can they control the emission of the carbon<br>into the environment and how the consumption structure is control whether it’s development-oriented<br>consumption or enjoyment oriented consumption. The policy makers should encourage the people so that they<br>can use the low carbon emission products which also improves the environmental condition of the countries.</p> Maria Nawaz, Dr. Muhammad Naeem Copyright (c) 0 FUI Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Social Media: A Catalyst to Environmental Sensing for Supply Chain Management <p>In today’s dynamic business environment organizations are competing in volatile marketplaces and to stay<br>competitive they need to explore new market opportunities and develop innovative ideas and flexibility to respond<br>to fluctuations in the business environment. The purpose of this research is to explore how the use of social<br>media improves sensing capability of organizations for a better supply chain management. Following an<br>interpretive research paradigm, this study employed a post priory inductive research approach and a<br>qualitative research methodology to explore the perspectives of supply chain professionals and academics on<br>the use of social media in supply chain management (SCM). Primary data was collected through semistructured<br>interviews. Thematic analysis was used to derive insights from the interviews with supply chain<br>professionals and academics. Results from 10 supply chain professionals suggest that turbulent environments<br>increase a firm’s scanning activities on supply market, while intense competition increases the firm’s scanning<br>on both supply and customer markets via social media. We can expect infusion of social media enabled<br>sensing techniques in upstream as well as downstream of the supply chain. From Environmental sensing<br>point of view, we propose that how companies can implement the social media in supply chain management and<br>what benefits from social media they can get. While this study provides valuable insights, it has several<br>limitations. The qualitative nature of the research, with a limited sample size of ten interviewees, may not fully<br>capture the diverse experiences and perspectives within the industry. The focus on Pakistani companies may<br>limit the generalizability of the findings to other regions with different technological advancements and<br>cultural contexts. Additionally, the relatively recent adoption of social media in SCM means that long-term<br>effects and trends were not fully explored. The study primarily relied on self-reported data, which may be subject<br>to bias. Environmental sensing is a pre requisite for effective reconfiguration and seizing of new opportunities<br>in the business environment. Information technology and different market intelligence tools facilitate in<br>environmental sensing thus having a transformational role in supply chain management. Similarly,<br>internet and social media also play important role particularly in transforming digital supply chains. The<br>information available on use of social media in supply chain management for improving sensing capability<br>is sparse. Therefore, the significance of this research is twofold. First it aims to contribute in the existing<br>theory and literature by exploring a relatively scarcely researched phenomenon of social media enabled<br>environmental sensing for supply chain management. Secondly it aims to develop new courses of actions for<br>practitioners and policy makers for active integration of social media technology and platforms for improving<br>supply chain management.</p> Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan, Sayda Uzma Tahira, Shizra Khan Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 A Qualitative Study Exploring the Challenges in Tax Fraud Investigations <p>The purpose of this study is to explore challenges in Tax Fraud Investigations faced by the investigating officers<br>and the study explores and highlights the real problems associated with such investigations. The study involves<br>in-depth interviews of fifteen investigating officers working in IRS Intelligence. Data collection involved focused<br>group interviews, individual indepth interviews and document analysis. The data were analyzed with the help of<br>grounded theory and thematic analysis. Research study suggests that in order to achieve quality performance of<br>Tax Fraud Investigations, it is very crucial to improve performance of investigating officers which may be<br>possible if the challenges highlighted by this research are overcome. It may further add value to the overall<br>domestic revenue mobilization efforts of Federal Board of Revenue besides creating deterrence for fraudulent<br>elements. Findings of the study are limited to the perspectives of fifteen participants. A similar study with larger<br>population in all the offices of IRS Intelligence as well as other investigating agencies could have provided even<br>more concrete and exhaustive results. Overcoming of such challenges and problems in Tax Fraud investigations<br>may invariably enhance the performance of investigating officer entrusted with tax fraud investigations and may<br>further increase the effective and efficient monitoring and enforcement activities while minimizing the evasion of<br>due taxes by fraudsters. The study further provides valuable insight into the prevalent investigation processes<br>which may be used by the legislators for making policies accordingly. The valuable insights into the problems<br>faced by the investigating officers may help the investigating agency to fix those problems for better performance<br>and in safeguarding the revenue of state. This is the first study of its kind conducted on problems and challenges<br>faced by the investigating officers conducting tax fraud investigations.</p> Syed Mahmood Ali Shah, Dr. Muhammad Asif Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of high performance work systems on employee turnover intention: a mediating role of burnout of Banking Sector of Pakistan <p>Employee turnover is a significant concern for organizations, particularly in the dynamic landscape of the<br>banking sector in Pakistan. This study investigates the impact of high performance work system on turnover<br>intention, with a focus on the mediating role of burnout. A quantitative approach in the study is used. Based on<br>the available literature on the variables which are specified in the proposed theoretical model, four research<br>hypotheses are developed. A sample of 300 employees from various banks in Pakistan participated in the study.<br>Convenience sampling technique was used for data collection. Reliability analysis was conducted before<br>proceeding to a detailed analysis of the study. SEM multivariate data analysis technique was used. The analysis<br>revealed significant associations between the study variabes including high performance work systems, burnout<br>and turnover intention of employees. The findings underscore the importance of high performance work system<br>that prioritize employee well-being and address factors contributing to burnout. By understanding and addressing<br>these dynamics, organizations in the banking sector of Pakistan can develop targeted interventions to enhance<br>employee retention and organizational effectiveness.</p> Amna Jalil, Dr. Rauza, Saba Idrees, Dr. Madeha Rauf, Sayyed Muhammad Bilal Copyright (c) 0 FUI Fri, 30 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Impact of Fintech on The Financial Performance of Pakistani Banking Sector: A Comparative Study of Islamic and Conventional Banks <p>FinTech is a developing technology which primarily changed the way of banking. The association between banks <br>and FinTech got the attention of many scholars. In this regard, the present research aimed to investigate the <br>influence of financial technology on the Pakistani banking sector’s financial performance including both Islamic <br>and non-Islamic banks for tenure of 5 years comprising of 2018-2022. Four Islamic banks and all the <br>conventional banks except micro finance banks were chosen as a sample for this study. The analysis of the present <br>research is grounded on the independent variable Fintech (Internet banking, Mobile banking and ATM <br>transactions) and the dependent variable financial performance (ROA, ROE and EPS) of both banking systems. <br>The researcher collected quantitative data as per the quantifiable nature of the study from the yearly statements <br>of the concerned banks and State Bank of Pakistan website. Linear model regression of panel data was used to <br>derive the empirical outcomes from the analysis of financial technology and banks’ fiscal performance. The <br>outcomes of the research resulted that overall Pakistani banking sector’s financial performance was <br>insignificantly impacted by FinTech with reference to ROA and ROE. But individually fiscal performance of <br>Islamic banks has been positively influenced by financial technology while insignificant impact on conventional <br>banks’ financial performance in reference with ROA and ROE. Moreover, the outcomes of the research further <br>resulted that FinTech has positive significant impact on the financial performance of Pakistani banking sector as <br>a whole with respect to EPS. Theoretically, the present study added latest information to the existing literature <br>regarding Pakistani banking sector’s performance in liaison with FinTech. Practically, the present study has <br>dual implications. From customers’ perspective the use of FinTech services creates easiness for clients to avail <br>banking services irrespective of the time and place constraints. While from banks’ perspective the use of FinTech <br>services by customers promotes the agenda of green banking by reducing paperwork in the form of vouchers as <br>well as improves operational efficiency.</p> Arshad Khan, Dr. Muhammad Asif, Sobia Parveen Copyright (c) 0 FUI Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Role of Education, E-learning and Financial Development towards Environmental Sustainability <p>Due to globalization, the role of financial development, education and E-learning is increasing in the daily life <br>of people, which significantly influences the environmental outcomes. But this association has attained little <br>attention in Chinese context from scholars and environmental economists. This study tries to fulfil this vacuum <br>by exploring the impact of financial development education and E-learning on Chinese environmental <br>performance through the ARDL approach. The findings disclose that education and E-learning improve <br>environmental performance in China. Based on these findings, it proposed that the Chinese government should <br>promote E-learning and education in remote areas of China to improve environmental performance and the <br>overall well-being of society.</p> Muhammad Hafeez Copyright (c) 0 FUI Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Beyond Adversity: Exploring the Role of Entrepreneurial Resilience, Alertness, and Innovative Culture in Career Advancement <p>This study examines the influence of psychological resilience of entrepreneurs on their career success and <br>opportunity recognition capabilities. Entrepreneurial alertness is taken as an intervening variable in an <br>organizational culture characterized by innovativeness. The sample consists of 353 entrepreneurs residing in <br>various cities of Pakistan. The data was examined using SPSS and Advanced Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) <br>in M-PLUS software. Our findings reveal a strong connection between entrepreneurial resilience, career success <br>and opportunity recognition. Entrepreneurial alertness was also found to play a crucial role in mediating this <br>relationship. The study further explored the moderating role of an innovative organizational culture, exploring its <br>effect in enhancing the effect of entrepreneurial psychological resilience on both career success and opportunity <br>recognition. These results indicate useful synergies amongst psychological aspects, organizational culture, and <br>key entrepreneurial outcomes. Important implications in furthering entrepreneurship research and improving <br>organizational practices are also discussed.</p> Faiza Malik, Rabia Mushataq Copyright (c) 0 FUI Tue, 06 Aug 2024 00:00:00 +0000